We spent a month traveling this summer. Our travels included stops in South Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Illinois, and camping along the way. We like to call it our mid-west family tour.....4000 some miles later, here are some of the highlights:
On Nana's farm in South Dakota:Helping in the garden - picking raspberries, green beans, beets and helping weed

Riding Annie - Hannah had her first horseback ride

Taking walks through the fields to see the beautiful wild flowers in bloom
Discovering new things -- Luke learned how to sit down a chair just his size and started taking a few steps while we were away
Crivitz Adventures:A trip to the ER on our second day after Pat stepped on a rusty nail
Fishing! Hannah loves to fish. After each fish she caught she would say "I want to catch another one." Jacob on the other hand was finished after catching one fish.
Exlporing a whole new world for Luke - here he is sitting in a wash basin in the cabin

Kayak rides on the river
Hannah bonded with the dogs

Hiking the new trail Nana cut through the woods -- we saw a flock of sandhill cranes at the end of the hike
Picking wild blueberries -- eating them on oatmeal, in cobbler, and in pancakes -- yummy! Here are Jacob, Hannah and Nana cleaning blueberries together.

Swimming at Newton Lake -- Jacob loves swimming -- what a change from last year

Arcadia Days:
Visiting with cousin Katie, Amy and Chris
lots of jumping! 
Swimming in Lake Michigan and playing in the sand (always a treat with Uncle Tom around)

Hannah's first sailboat ride with Nana
Playing the piano together

Square Dancing at Camp with the kids - Luke loved watching the people dance and bouncing to the music

Attended the morning program - Hannah warmed up to the Ark after a few days
Rides in the antique stroller

Jacob and Hannah loved the Arcadia parade and hope to be in Arcadia to attend the parade next summer
Watching the sunset

Ohio: (camera on the fritz....pictures hopefully to be scanned and added later)
Amish Country - for a little window shopping and a good Amish-cooked meal
A trip to the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - the Rainforest was the highlight -- especially the orangutans. Jacob also had fun sitting in Uncle Frank's police car.

Celebrating Jacob's 5th birthday at Aunt Carrie and Uncle Frank's house (Jacob had a United States themed birthday party)
Here is a picture of his cake.....

Luke enjoyed the cake!
Playing with our cousins -- at Nana and Papa's house, at Amazone (an indoor playland), and at their new house

Jacob, Kailyn, Aunt Kim
Illinois:A quick visit to Uncle Tom's on the way back to Colorado
A trip we will not soon forget -- we had a lot of quality time with our family