The kids had loads of fun dressing up this year! We found Jacob and Hannah's costumes at ARC thrift store. And Luke wore the traditional bee costume which Jacob and Hannah also wore on their 2nd Halloween.
Jacob - 2003
Hannah - 2005
Luke - 2007
The kids trick-or-treated around our apartment complex. Luke came along for the first set of apartments and had his own bag for treats (people actually gave bigger handfuls to him than the older kids - what were they thinking?). He quickly learned where I hung the bags of candy and would point at the end of a meal and say "ca, ca" for a piece of candy. For about a week after Halloween we gave the kids a piece of candy after lunch/dinner. And then tossed the rest. This pattern of rationing out the candy would have dragged on for too long -- way beyond Christmas. So we decided it was best for them to be done. It scares us a bit how they can be controlled by candy. They will do ANYTHING for candy -- almost...
Here they are inspecting but mostly oohing and awing over their loot

Here they are inspecting but mostly oohing and awing over their loot

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