Today we ventured up to one of Ft. Collin's Natural Areas called Bobcat Ridge. We took the
Burley and the backpack so we could do a substantial hike with all three kids. It was a beautiful day to be up there -- not too windy and clouds to block the sun. This area is wide open and can be pretty hot in full sun. Hannah and Jacob both hiked about 1 mile uphill. We were amazed Hannah made it that far at 2-1/2! She didn't want to get in the
Burley after we stopped to have lunch. But not too soon after strapping them in and heading back, they both were asleep. Luke slept on the way up and then enjoyed his first ride in the back pack on the way back to the car. A ranger took a family picture for us which was nice (too bad Hannah's not looking). We also learned that they are going to be opening up a lot more trails in this area soon. It would be a fun place to bike. But we'll have to get in better shape before this happens.

We saw a herd of elk on the side of a hill and we think we saw a golden eagle flying overhead. Jacob brought his binoculars and had fun looking for things with them. The highlight of the hike was seeing all the horses! There were many people out for trail rides today. Four horseback riders stopped in front of us as we were having lunch. One horse needed to go potty - he put on quite a show for the kids.
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