On April 24th we welcomed the newest member of our family -- Sophia Liesl -- at 10:51 PM after a very quick labor (yeah! It made up for being 10 days overdue). She weighed 8 lb 11.5 oz and was 20 3/4" long.

She is well loved by her brothers and sisters --

they give lots of kisses throughout the day. We're happy to have another little girl to love!
Congratulations you guys! Sophia is so beautiful!! How fun to have 2 boys and 2 girls, that's awesome! And it's great to hear you are liking it there in Connecticut, your house looks really cute. Wow...so many changes for you guys, you amaze us. :-) Can't wait to see more pics and have you back in the blog world, I've missed you!
congratulations!!! we will spread the word around the "block" about the girl news. She is beautiful! I am so happy things went well. and that you were able to be all settled in before little Sophia came.
Congratulations on the new baby girl!! I bet Hannah is so happy to have a baby sister. I'm glad you're all doing well in your new home. We missed you the last few weeks of Bible Study. But you are in our prayers.
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