We began our search for a house in the west in October of 2008. We explored several communities in the Black Hills. Pat took several trips out alone to look at houses and we did a few family trips too. One of our family trips was to Hot Springs the week after Christmas. It was our first time exploring Hot Springs and Pat had found this particular house for sale by owner on craigslist. We made an appointment to see it and ended up looking at two other houses that weekend in town for comparison. My original impression of this house was "it's a shack! There's no way that I'm going to live there!" Pretty ironic -- huh!? Now I'm living in "the shack"! We returned from our trip that weekend and decided we liked Hot Springs but none of the houses were suitable for our family. After a few more unsuccessful weekends of house hunting in the Black Hills, Pat returned to Hot Springs again and took a second look at this house and a few others. The second time Pat saw this house he saw some potential in it. The renter was gone and he was able to take a more thorough look around and starting making plans for how we could fix this place up. It needs a lot of work -- but with a little paint and sanding/refinishing (it has hardwood floors throughout the main living area)-- we could make it livable and actually a nice home for our family. So we decided to make an offer -- and they accepted it. The next week we bought the house. The original plan was to live with Pat's mom and go out on weekends to fix it up. But Pat was much healthier in Hot Springs than at his mom's so we ended up moving earlier. So we're living here as we fix it up.
White picket fence -- encloses the front yard -- we're going to replace this eventually - it's pretty rickety. The renter who lived here prior to us put this up to keep his dogs in the yard. We want to fence a larger portion of the yard - so the kids have more safe areas to play. One of the original owners of the house planted a lot of trees - crab apple (can't wait until spring to see them bloom!), apple and several others. The man and woman who lived here are still living . They lived in this house for about 40 years and planted all the trees in the yard. There was recently an article in the local paper talking about Ben - the man who lived here. He just turned 104 years old and they talked about him being the Johnny Appleseed of Hot Springs because he planted so many trees throughout the town. It's neat for us to think about the couple that lived here and now our family has a chance to revive this house which was a rental for the past 4 years or so and wasn't kept up well.
We have a one car detached garage -- nice brick building that has a chimney for a wood-burning stove - we're not using it for a car - but to store things right now. We're thinking about converting it into a play room/guest quarters - and possibly adding a bathroom here. So there would be room for family and friends to come stay. We also have ideas about adding another bedroom on to the back of the house and making a separate office area for Pat. Currently he's working in the little nook off the kitchen until our bedroom is complete - and then he'll move his office in there. We'd also like to refinish the basement for more area to play.....and the list goes on!
The first project....(on a list of 100+ things to fix :-) )

The windows and trim in our bedroom were painted an ugly orange. I am in the midst of priming (I have to put 3 coats on to cover it) it and getting ready to paint it white. The walls are going to be bone white (sort of a creamy white). It's amazing how a little paint can change things! I am planning to do the same scheme throughout the whole house to brighten it up and neutralize it a bit. Pat will be refinishing the floors after I finish painting. It will be nice to have our bedroom done so we can have more space in the living room. Currently our bed is out in the living room and we use it as a couch/daybed during the day.
So there it is -- our fixer-upper! I'm sure there will be many more posts to follow as we make improvements on our house -- so stay posted!
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