Summer Rec is a wonderful program in Hot Springs! I had no idea what a small town would have to offer for the kids during the summer. I am very impressed with all the different options for the kids to choose from in the summer program. And the options just get better as the kids get older.
Hannah chose gymnastics and t-ball. She loved gymnastics and is excited to continue tumbling next summer.
She loved the social aspects of t-ball but wasn't very interested in playing the sport.
She loved the social aspects of t-ball but wasn't very interested in playing the sport.

Jacob, Hannah and Luke all participated in the summer reading program at the library. Ms. Dawn did an awesome job organizing this program. The theme was "Be Creative". She had interesting crafts and projects each week for the kids to do. They made puppets, instruments and masks. And they did finger painting, chalk drawing, and modeling with clay. Luke was a little hesitant to participate without Mommy. He was still 2 when the summer programs started. I think next year he will love being a part of the library program and taking gymnastics with Hannah. He loves to do somersaults in his bed at night. And he enjoyed tumbling on the mats they weren't using during Hannah's class.
Having all of these fun programs made the summer pass by so quickly! It helped organize our days and gave me little breaks throughout the week from having four kids under foot all the time.
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