Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

I was pampered on Mother's Day....
Pat made French toast for breakfast.
I got to go to Bible Study before church and Pat stayed home with the kids.
We took a nice leisurely walk from church to Dairy Queen for lunch - Mom's were given a free sundae for Mother's Day.
We worked in the garden all afternoon getting it ready to plant veggies -- hopefully this weekend!
 They showered me with fun, interesting and thoughtful gifts -- marigolds to plant in the garden to keep the bugs off the tomatoes, a funky shirt, lots of yummy chocolate, lots of homemade art/cards (the kids were busy most of Saturday working on art for Mother's Day while Pat and I did projects around the house), and a chore card book from Jacob full of hilarious entries (ie. change Sophie's diaper, watch Luke, watch Sophie, wipe the table, lock the front door, clean the whole house, wipe Sophie's face, water the garden, pick up sticks, etc).  And to top it off he told me that not only did I get help once with each of these chores, but each one got 5 slashes!  Wow!  This was an amazing gift especially coming from Jacob who tries to weasel his way out of any extra work around the house most of the time.  He got the idea for giving these chore cards as a gift from a series of books he's been reading lately -- "Diary of a Wimpy Kid".  I wasn't sure what I thought of the books -- but now I'm sold!

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