Friday, May 25, 2007

Preschool Graduation

It's hard to believe Jacob has made his way through a whole year of preschool. Here is a picture of Jacob's first day of school. And I took a picture of his last day/graduation day in the same spot outside our apartment as a comparison to see how he's grown/changed. What do you think? Is he taller -- if not taller, I know he's definitely wiser! :-)The whole family went to Jacob's preschool to watch him graduate. They processed into the church wearing mortar board caps to the traditional graduation music (not sure what it's called -- if I could record my voice, I'd sing a ditty but I'm not sure how to do that...). You'd think I would remember the name of this piece of music seeing as I played it 4 years in a row while I was in high school at graduation. Pat and I both had to chuckle a bit at the extravagance/formality of this preschool graduation ceremony. But seeing all the kids in their little caps was pretty cute....
I don't remember anything about the end of my year of preschool. It definitely seemed like it was for the parent's benefit. Jacob had much more fun at Water Day on Monday and the ice cream party on Wednesday! But I guess this ceremony is a way of marking the end of the year for the parents and their children.CONGRATULATIONS, JACOB!
You're ready for Kindergarten!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jacob! It waas fun seeing you in your graduation cap and the picture with your teacher. We love you. Nana and Papa

Anonymous said...

pomp and circumstance????