Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Season of Change

This school year marked a season of change.  After 9 years as a stay-at-home mom, I accepted a teaching position at Bethesda Lutheran School as the preschool teacher.  Sophia and I spend the mornings together at school.  We are both enjoying preschool!  The "big kids" are attending Bethesda too.  Hannah and Luke are in the same class (K-2nd grade are grouped together).  This has made Luke's transition to Kindergarten so much easier.  The first two weeks of school he asked me every night before he went to bed, "Is tomorrow school?"  And if the answer was yes, he would reply "YES!"  He LOVES it!  Hannah is happy to be back at Bethesda -- she never really felt 100% comfortable at the public school.  Jacob is happy to have two recesses (he would have only had one at the public school) and PE twice a week instead of only one week every two weeks. 
Here's the bunch on the first day of school:
I was hired at the end of July, while we were on vacation in Ohio.  And had to shorten our trip by a week and a few days so I could get back to set up my classroom for the school's open house.  I wish I had taken some before and after pictures.  I spent a solid weekend sorting and organizing.  Here are some pictures of my room:
The door/entryway - looking in from the hallway (the bulletin board has since been decorated -- need a more current pic).  Each week I post the parent newsletter and each month a calendar of the themes and Bible stories we will be studying.  Also there is a daily class schedule and each week I change the sign which has the theme for the week and the Bible story.
 Here is a view of most of the classroom.  I am standing in the art center to take this shot.  I since have changed the tables to make a circle.  Will probably change them again soon.  Chang is good!
 This is our circle time bulletin board with calendar, weather, birthday balloons, etc.
 The Book Nook
 Sophia dancing on the Circle Time rug!
 More dancing pictures....
 The art center - easel and table (not much choice in where the Art Center was placed as it is the only tile in the classroom).  My desk is back in the corner where the bookshelves are.  This bulletin board was in progress.  The first month or so it had "God's Kids" inside the frame and "All About Me" at the top.  The children drew self portraits which hung on the board inside a frame which they had sponge painted.  I'm not sure if I ever took a picture of the finished product.
 The cubbies -- right next to the door.
 An interactive bulletin board.  They picked the apples and placed them into the the color coordinating bushel basket.
 Housekeeping Center
 Science/Writing Center

We have a classroom fish, Nemo.  He is a Beta donated by the librarian at the public library.  
My life as preschool teacher, mother of four, Mrs. Fix-it (still renovating our fixer-upper), preacher, Sunday school teacher, trumpet player (member of community band), Zumba dancer - is busy -- but full of JOY!

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