Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bedtime Questions and Car Revelations

Bedtime Questions....
Tonight as Jacob was lying in bed he started asking questions about other religions and what other people believe. What an eye opener for him to hear that not everyone knows or believes in Jesus. He asked me if some of the children he plays with on the quad go to church. Several of them are Hindu and there are probably several other religions represented in our quad. I tried to explain that Hindus pray to different gods and have different beliefs. I also suggested getting a book about world religions so he can learn the differences between Christians and other faiths. Jacob started thinking more about being a Christian and how that makes him different from the other children with different beliefs. He wondered if he could tell these other children about Jesus and what he might say to them. I was impressed that he was having these thoughts. I pray that he will be able to be strong and stand firm in God's love and grace as he shares with his friends.

His last question of the night was "Mommy, how did the Bible get written?" We have a deep thinker on our hands! I gave him a brief answer and then told him we'd talk more about it in the morning.

An endearing car revelation.....
Earlier this week as we were driving to swim class, Jacob began talking about a man he saw in a wheelchair at church on Sunday. He said "did you see that man in the wheelchair at church?" I told him I did. And then he asked "why is he in a wheelchair?" I told him that some people can't walk so they need to ride around in a chair. He then asked me "will he ever be able to walk again?" I told him I wasn't sure but sometimes people are healed and can walk again. He then said "Jesus will help him walk when he gets to heaven. No one needs wheelchairs in heaven." And Hannah chimed in..."and He'll wipe away all of our tears in heaven." How neat to be a part of these conversations with my children. It is moments like these that I would not want to miss!

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